by Bro. Sylvester Robinson
To celebrate Omega’s founding, chapters around the country and internationally hold weekly activities highlighting achievements of individual brothers and collective accomplishments with the intended purpose of enhancing the quality of life of citizens and cities in which they reside and serve. Eta Nu began its Achievement Week activities with a virtual book club discussion of a novel titled White Lies, the mid-term elections and other current events impacting our world. On Sunday, November 13, 2022, the chapter held its formal Achievement Week program at the Mt. Hermon AME Church Family Life Center to honor, recognize and acknowledge the myriad contributions of the chapter and individual brothers during the past fiscal year. Hosted by Master of Ceremony Brother Rufus Curry, the program began with a salute to Eta Nu brothers who had served honorably in the military, appropriate and especially relevant since veterans were being honored around the country and the chapter’s representation was impressive. The following Eta Nu brothers served : Army – Founders James L. Jones and Joseph A. Smith, John Wimberly, Lennox George, Moses Barnes, Anthony Reyes, Rodney Hankins, Jr., Kenneth Pace, Rufus Curry, Phillip Reese, Jerry Dinkins, David Gayle, Ken Riley, and Eric Rucker; Air Force – Larry Leverett, Melvin Brooks, Carlos Sampson and Feirmon Johnson; USMC – James St. Louis; and USCG – James Stuart. Awards were presented in the following categories: Citizen of the Year – Desorae Giles-Smith; Superior Service Award- Aaron Whitfield; Brigadier General Charles Young Award- Carlos Sampson; Lifetime Achievement Award- Lennox George; and Omega Man of the Year- Harrison Jones. Our visionary Basileus Bruce Terry Brown acknowledged the tireless efforts of newly inducted members from 3 distinct lines, fraternally unprecedented, during his tenure naming the 2021 line “12 Righteous Sons of Thunder” most outstanding…